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Гальванотехника и обработка поверхности №3-4 за 2023

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Выпуск № 3-4 за 2023 год

     Российское общество гальванотехников и специалистов в области обработки поверхности

Страницы памяти

Dear family and colleagues of Vladimir Kudryavtsev,

dear members of EAST, dear all,

I know that something was going wrong with Vladimir. He has written to me in due time that he will come to Milano for Interfinish 2012, but afterwards he renounced. This was not typical of Vladimir, he was a most reliable man.

We have appreciated his engagement from the beginning of EAST, of which he was a founder member, greatly contributing to its growth and to its affirmation.

He was one of the most important world and European researchers in the field of electrodeposition, conjugating theoretical and applied approaches. His efforts in the development of electrodeposition in Russian, European and American congresses were fundamental to develop electrochemistry from a “black magic” to an applied science.

We will miss him as a researcher, with whom it was interesting to discuss having always a right approach to the problems, but overall as a friend.

We will miss him when we will be again in Schwabisch Gmünd for the next EAST meeting that will be dedicated to him.

We will invite all people knowing him for discussing of his achievements and results.

We have lost him, but his memory will remain always with us.


Pietro Luigi Cavallotti

President of EAST



Журнал «Гальванотехника и обработка поверхности», © 2008–2023